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UDS Copenhagen videos

Just a quick note until I get back with another full-length article about UDS. In addition to recording the sessions and plenaries, some people also recorded interviews with certain people from Canonical and the community.

I was one amongst these people, and my interview is now up. Thanks Amber for giving flavors the possibility to be interviewed!

There will be lots of other interesting interviews with people around the community and those videos will be added to Youtube as soon as they are processed. Just keep on checking the Ubuntu Contributor channel.

I will get back to you once the plenary from Wednesday with flavor presentations is up. The flavors plenary from Wednesday is up with the Xubuntu part starting at around 16 minutes. I look totally tired, and I was…

This article is part of the article series .

UDS Copenhagen, Day 4

It’s the last day of UDS!

Again, I started the morning with the community roundtable, after which I took a break to recharge my inner batteries a bit more as well as discuss the Xubuntu Raring release artwork stuff with Elizabeth and Simon (remotely) since the Xubuntu session schedule didn’t work for Simon.

Just before the lunch we had the second Xubuntu planning session, in which we mostly covered community and marketing issues. The general conclusion was just to continue doing what we’ve started. If you want to know the specifics, again read the pad for both of the Xubuntu planning sessions or wait for a few days when we will have moved the work items to blueprints.

After lunch, we had the flavor product manager meeting, discussing about the cooperation needed between flavors to support everybody having their own release schedules. I want to personally thank Scott Kitterman for following up with me, so here we go: thanks, I will be in touch!

The last session for the day and UDS for now was the Ubuntu Studio planning session. Unfortunately, the session room was quite empty, but I think it was still beneficial for Studio to meet at least those few guys who were there. If you’re interested in their stuff, check out the pad for the Ubuntu Studio session.

The formal part of the day was finally ended with a series of speeches in a plenary. In the evening, most of the people still around went to the UDS closing party at Rosie McGee’s to have some food and drink as well as meet each other possibly for the last time for 6 months, or even later. After getting back from the party relatively early, we ended the night ourselves with a beer in the Sky Bar.

What a week!

General notes about UDS

Let’s start with some truths: attending sessions from 9 to 18 as well as having lots of interesting discussions is starting to take it’s toll. The evening activities with beer and greasy food contribute to all this as well. I’m feeling at least marginally less productive and more tired. I guess it’s quite natural to feel like this, but it’s good to acknowledge it.

On more positive notes, I think I have benefitted much more from UDS this time than the last time. I’m also getting involved in things I haven’t worked with before and I’m hoping it will both make me more motivated and inspired again as well as encourage other people to work with other teams as well.

I really think everybody in the community should visit UDS at least once. Yes, even people working on LoCo teams should. If you don’t believe me it’s worth it, ask Christoffer or if you understand Swedish, just read his blog. I met Christoffer the first time in UDS, and in a strangely organic way, I’ve been gettinr more motivated to look at the different parts of the community (see before) and also try to contribute to them where I can.

I will most probably write at least one more article about UDS when I get home, to wrap it up nicely. If interesting enough stuff happens before getting home, I’ll get back to you about the Copenhagen tourism session friday as well.

For now, thanks for reading!

This article is part of the article series .