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UDS Copenhagen, Day 1

The first day of the UDS sessions are now over, and I thought I’d share some of with you in this blog.

Before we go deeper into the actual sessions and their agendas, I’d like to mention that it’s been a great pleasure to meet so many new friendly faces as well as old friends here in Copenhagen. There would be endless amount of interesting people to meet, discussions to be had and stories to be told.

After the video-Jono and the keynote speech by Mark Shuttleworth, we were into the sessions…

Getting started!

My first session for the morning was about empowering flavors to manage their own release schedule. The session was both really interesting and important for Xubuntu. It’s great to see Canonical is willing to give us more control over our own product, even so much that they are not limiting us to release on the same day than they are. We are probably doing that anyway, but it’s nice to have the option.

The second session for the day was about Ubuntu development videos. While the session was somewhat interesting, it didn’t have a lot to do with Xubuntu, so I relatively quickly descended to a half-suspending mode. I made Elizabeth send a tweet about it though, so not completely unproductive!

The last session for the morning before lunch was about gathering feedback on the release managing for the Q cycle. Generally, I agreed with most of the things said there, but there are still room for improvement. Definitely for the Xubuntu team too. I was only learning release management in detail in the Q cycle, but I can definitely see progress made even during that one release only, and I hope the release team will keep the pace up in the future as well. Thanks again Kate for all the hard work you did for Xubuntu and the rest in the Q cycle!

Lunch, plenaries and more sessions

After the lunchbreak there were some traditional plenaries, but the small amount of sleep last night and the long-awaited lunch made me so sleepy that I simply couldn’t absorb much of those. I even missed the QA-speech, because I needed to make sure I wouldn’y start snoring in the auditorium…

After lunch, we had the tiny IRC ops meeting between me, Elizabeth and Jussi, who I traveled with. “Lots” of familiar faces… We were joined by tsimpson via IRC and once we got started, we actually had some good discussions.

Off we went to the last two sessions for the day. Those were planning sessions for both Edubuntu and Lubuntu, and it was nice to hear what the other flavors have been planning to achieve in the R release. With the Lubuntu team, I also exchanged some ideas about managing our own release schedules as well as about testing, alternates, alphas and other milestones… It was great discussing with them, and I’m actually looking forward to have more interesting discussions on the Xubuntu sessions later this week, which Julien promised to attend.

The day isn’t over yet!

Starting from 19, or 7pm as some might prefer to say, we had the Meet & Greet event. We had planned an informal meeting with the nordic LoCo’s to get to know each other. Now we have plans to cooperate in the near future with our communities, web stuff and probably other things too. If you are from the nordic countries, join #ubuntu-nordic on Freenode now and say hi!

For now, thanks for reading. I will try to get another update in tomorrow after the sessions or just before going to sleep.

This article is part of the article series .

Deciding on the defaults

It’s not even a week until UDS-R, and it’s time to start planning a new release of Xubuntu – again! Planning isn’t just thinking of fun new features, it’s also about doing some hard work (and some good guesswork) to give our users the best possible experience.

In this article I will try to give some light into a few less-fun and more-work tasks that the Xubuntu team has to rethink at least in some way with each release: default configuration and application set.

Sensible configuration

Creating a configuration that suits your workflow isn’t always easy. Creating a configuration that works for hundreds and thousands of people at least in a mediocre way is even harder. Not even talking about fitting their workflow coming from the backbone.

Without any research, there is simply no way to judge how good the defaults are. Organizing a full-scale research for every Xubuntu user is impossible. How do we decide what to ship by default then? How can a small amount of people even know which application or configuration is good for the majority?

All and any configuration has left a “trace” in our previous releases. There’s always somebody who thinks the previous way was the best. But how do we judge if that user belongs to the majority? If something isn’t optimal, should we revert or fast forward? Ultimately, how do we make sure our users get the best user experience and that way, the most of our product?

Honestly, I don’t know the answer. Every piece of configuration is an educated guess. While our choices can sometimes mean we will lose some users, we can’t build the OS trying to make sure nobody is disagreeing or leaving. Instead, the operating system needs to be going somewhere. Sometimes it’s innovative, sometimes it’s imitating what the other players are doing and at the same time trying to do it a bit better.

Default applications

Choosing the default set of applications isn’t something the whole developer community agrees on. The variation in the user community is even broader. People love and hate our default applications. Sometimes they haven’t even tried them before purging them. There has to be an objective way to compare applications, right? There is, but it’s not trivial.

Simply the task of justifying why a current application is not a good for a default and especially why something else is better can be quite a daunting task. To be able to compare applications, you need to know which features are essential (eg. for what feature is this application being included for), which features are good to have and which features are unwanted.

Once we have found the best application available, we need to make sure we’re conducting the testing it needs and that the application fits on the CD image. For example, we had to drop GIMP and Gnumeric from the Quantal release to fit on a CD. We might reintroduce these in later versions if we get more free space, but even then, it doesn’t hurt to rethink if these applications really contributed to the core Xubuntu experience so much that they should be reintroduced or if there would be better alternatives – or if we simply want to keep them off our images.

Trying to learn from the mistakes

We are constantly listening to our users; if a change in the default configuration or applications was a big mistake, we sure hear from it. Fortunately, we haven’t had too many bursts of negative feedback yet. Even if we did get a dozen of complaints, is that really the majority? Surely, there’s a lot more Xubuntu users. Is it again the vocal minority, or is this a valid complaint and concern?

We hope you will continue to let us know if you think we did a good or bad job. Constructive criticism as well as cheers and thank yous are always welcome.

This article is part of the article series .