Last updates before Christmas
Roadmap closed
Xubuntu Precise Pangolin roadmap
Canonical–community collaboration
A short break from FOSS
New Xubuntu Project Lead
Give me the endash!
Nominated for Xubuntu Project Lead
Hiding backup files in Thunar
New Xubuntu website taster
Better artist “browsing” for gmusicbrowser
Fixed keyboard in VBox – again
Albatross! Albatross! Albatross!
Xfce Design SIG launches
Easier menu and panel editing in Xubuntu 11.04
How to fix broken Xubuntu Natty panels?
Shimmer Project announces Spotify support for gmusicbrowser
Translators, start your engines!
Xubuntu Natty default wallpaper
Internal competition and collaboration in Ubuntu
Things that make and break the community
The blog is back
Xfce 4.8 released
Two Books Apart